Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Refreshing Evening Stroll

If you've had a day like mine, then you're going to need a nice stroll in the park this late afternoon. Clear your head, let out all that negativity, and breath in some positive vibes.

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and Halloween. You are all more than welcome to post some fabulous pictures of your costumes or trick-or-treaters! Sadly, I did not see Casper the Friendly ghost on the tele this year :(

Weather: Currently 70 degrees and windy. In a few hours, it'll drop down to 65 degrees with mild cool wind gusts from the north.

Recommendations: A scarf, a peacoat (or casual blazer) and jeans. It's not cool enough outside for boots and I forbid any of my followers to wear Uggs unless it's below 60 (because that's considered "cold" in Florida). Yes, I am an anti-Ugg columnist.

Enjoy the evening/night! And since it's fall, any night is a good night for hot coco with marshmallows!

1 comment:

  1. I like every piece of clothing on this day's suggestion :)
