Tuesday, December 6, 2011


The most dreaded time of the year has arrived...Good luck to all my fellow Knights with finals! Eat well and be sure to get some air inbetween studying. A 15 minute break every hour is highly recommended!
And do some stretches too! You don't want to look like this when you're older, do yuhh?  ------------------------>>>>

This may be the one week where I give all of my followers some slack for dressing like a bum. Study mode is muchh more important that spending time finding the perfect outfit for the day. Why do you ask??
Because studying = good grades = high GPA = college degree = AWESOME job = $$$$$ = shopping! 

So pull out the sweats and bring it on textbooks!!!
Or if you happen to use your 15 minute hourly break to
change into something cute, this is what I recommend --->>>
Cute AND comfortable :)

Weather: warm!! (what the heck Florida?!) Currently 74
degrees, a bit humid, dropping down to high 60s tonight.

**I apologize in advance for not being
your frequent styleorologist this week!**

Good Luck on Finals!! :)

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